Mémoire of a dérive, Poems

The sight

The moving clarity of the fountain

finds its intensity in the rain.

The fine pearls, intertwining,

waking up, and slowly unfolding ;

bubbles of joy and light,

changing their reflection in the night.

As the waves animate its cadence,

the bubbles seem sweep away by the dance.

The wet horn is raising in the sky vastness,

and embracing by the attraction of smoothness.

The deep flow from my eyes I caress,

was percieved from this profund humbleness.

The full disclosure of humanity through waves lifelines,

would phlegmatically blow so many minds.

The reflection of reversed trees,

confused me as if I was dreeming about bees,

forming zebras by the water motions.

The blinding sunlight attracted me as an obsession.

this brief moment was so absorbing,

that I have been promptly bewitching,

Through this mirror of human nature,

I saw the intense reflection of the unpure.

Through this marvelous abstraction,

I observed my clouded reflection.

Through this abstract symbole of perfection

I noticed some kind of retention.

Through the arborescence of this emblematic place,

I felt aspleep dreaming up about all this grace.

Through the complexity of this dark brightness,

I discerned the flows by its obscure clearness.

The touch

I remember the water pearled between my fingers, water folding in the air, water forming ripples paddling, water

abounding around me, water flowing through me, water cooling my entire body. Winding through my veins,

beating under my skin, water striked me. I was losing my temper. I was lost.

Touching the rough and raspy edge of the gravely fountain, my hands were wet, dripping drops along my wrist,

continuing his fall to the forearm, slowly falling down, faint in the sleeve of the jacket. Swirl of sensations.

Keeping an ephemeral memory by the precious water on my hands, It will evaporate in the infinity of time in a few


The hearing (Paul Verlaine reference, It rains in my heart)

The water lapping was beatting in my heart, when I heard the wind blowing through me.

Letting the flow of my tears penetrate this immensity, the flow of life was devastating me.

Water embraced me, and, gently in her flots, she enlaced me.

It flowsed to my Heart’s reach.

Dripping from the edge of the foutain, she was swilling down her thin lips.

Thrown by lovers, music ricocheted to her surface and on all the Love she already knows.

See how the water vibrates, each time I need to choose beetween my fates.

I caressed tenderly my dreams, the cold textured water and her sweetness

And how sweet it is to be lulled

I listened to your drowned happiness, flowing towards you the desire to embrace you.

What Happiness to be so alone together ! Enjoying this precious moment.

We were floating between two infinites, nestled just at the edge of heaven.

The blue sky overturned suddenly trembeled like a curtain.

The Sirens intrigued our thoughts.

Without teaching me where my desire is ?

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