Whilst walking through a park, not many people take notice to the gorgeous scenery that surrounds them; trees, towering over them while the leaves cast soft, flowing shadows on the grassy floor, or the flowers that are often coming and going, through the cycle of life. I wanted to take a closer look into these…


  The reason that this photo resonated with me was because I thought that this photo’s framing was particularly interesting, where the lady’s face would fit within the parameters of the rule of thirds, but the door offsets the whole picture slightly, as there is a little bit of space in between that and the…


What drew me to this picture were the arms that were connected behind, and on the mirror. There are many different tones in the skin, and this photo’s lighting is the perfect example to showcase that. The use of the mirror is what really strikes me as thinking ‘out-of-the-box’, as the photographer does not only…


Diane Arbus was a photographer who was active during the mid 50s and 60s, who usually shot black and white portraits. She celebrated unique people, such as female impersonators, twins and circus people, as she saw a reflection of herself in them. All of them were anomalies, on the fringe of society, yet their presence…


In this day and age, there are so many things that we are able to explore, and are able to discover, especially about our peers and ourselves. The human mind works in so many different ways, there is no proper way to map out how it happens. Although, what we can do is try to…