Bootcamp Final

“I want to educate people on the concept of consent and how forcing a dick pic on someone violates their consent.”


This piece was inspired by diversity, inclusion and the relationship between humor and discomfort. I wanted to use my art to explore this relationship and education people on the concept of consent. I created a website to advertise this #dontbeadick movement. On the website is an embedded p5.js experience. The p5.js is a simulation of an image randomizer where the viewer can agree to play but will get visually assaulted with the image of a dick pic. The idea is that the viewer does not want to see the dick pic but viewers “cannot unsee what they’ve already seen.” Think before sending a dick pic. Ask for consent.

I choseĀ a neutral color palette because this is not only a female issue and I did not want to heteronormalize the issue.

I mocked up the wireframe.

I created a higher fidelity prototype.

Since so much of my focus was on the idea of “consent,” I didn’t just want to go online and look for pictures of dick pics. I wanted to get consent from the source so I crowd-sourced them.

Request for Video of Website

Disclaimer: By agreeing to view this video, you are agreeing to see a blurred dick pic. Please be advised.