Intro to Fashion Studies: Learning Portfolio Post #1

Learning Portfolio Post #1
assignment:Choose any two of Christopher Breward’s aphorisms from his foreword to Fashion Studies, which you read in Week 1. Explain what each of the two aphorisms means (in your own words) and explain why you agree or disagree with them.

During the “intro to fashion studies” class, I read the foreword written by Christopher Breward to Heike Jenss’s book, “Introduction locating fashion/studies: research methods, sites and practices” I strongly agree one of Christopher Breward’s aphorisms: Fashion is not necessarily spectacular.
Some of my friends think fashion means fantastic, amazing and wonderful. It is far away from their daily. However, I claim that fashion is not only suitable for few people. It does’t only appear in the movies, television, magazines and runway shows. Everyone could be fashionable in anywhere. Fashion is a way to show ourselves. It is like a positive attitude towards the life: being more confident, more pretty, more optimistic. Fashion could belong anyone who love the life and the beauty. Fashion helps people to attract others to know them; Fashion helps people at work; Fashion assist couples in love. It could be demotic, ordinary, mundane, routine and humble in daily.
Moreover, Breward said that fashion is intensely personal. Fashion can express people’s characteristic. According to a person’s garment, we could guess partial personality. However, I think it is hard to know personal stories, memories re-lived and futures foretold by just looking at people’s fashion style. We can’t judge people solely by outward appearance. Fashion just one kind of ways that help us to emphasize personality.

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