Archive for February, 2017

Time: novel research

  This is subject to subject. They are well-used in the example because it is a shocking moment. It has…

Time Lapse

[video width="3456" height="2304" mp4=""][/video] I went to the roof of a building and took the picture from daytime to nighttime.…

research theme: utility

My research theme is utility because utility is one essential component in every successful industry. Fashion industry thrives because it…
Time: Photo frame contrast

Time: Photo frame contrast

The photographer for the 1730s is Boris Chaliapin, published in Feb. 16th. 1929. The photographer for Adela is Erik Madigan…
Time: linear sequence

Time: linear sequence

After a long time of brainstorm, I decide to catch to moment of pouring water to a lighted candle which…
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