Time: video

Story board: My story line is a typical hard-working Parsons student Bailing who has stored lots of pressures in order to achieve her designer dream. Her goal is to have her own brand and be famous. So her daily routine is draping, drawing, photoshop, and reading different magazines. She works day and night, barely have enough sleeping hours because she keeps apply for different competitions which needs lots of profolios and process. One day, she receives a rejection letter from a competition she had lots of confident about. Her world stops and falls apart. All the works did not paid off. Bailing stops all her work and starts to think, to reminisce about the past. She cannot find meaning about all the hard work.

I want to use this video to emphasize that there are ups and downs in life and they are inevitable. One has to accept the failures in order to embrace the success.The techniques I used in the video are foreshadowing and flashbacks through the video using different color code. I break the video into 2 part with changes in the background music. One is about the hard working time to a sudden failure to depression.

Pudovkin’s 5 Basic Edits :

CONTRAST allows “the viewer’s mind to witness two vastly opposite scenes to see the difference between them. This juxtaposition enhances or highlights the quality of their difference.” I used two opposite set of actions to contrast the change in feelings.  Hard working vs drinking alcohol. The difference is also shown in the background music-From happiness to depressing.

PARALLELISM is “often used to change location or time of two scenes through a shared similarity of shape, color, etc.” I used the circular clock and the water cup in two scenes next to each other where the parts the person faces a sudden failure in life.  Both the clock and the water is static which allow viewers to experience a stopped moment.

SYMBOLISM is ” often used to have one visual element reference or suggest another.” The water volume in the water cup is a symbol in this video. Pouring water until its full to water getting less and less, which indicates the positive attitude and enthusiasm towards life are slowly fading away through time and incidents.

SIMULTANEITY is “often used to show the relation between two independent events assumed to be happening at the same time,  through cuts back and forth between the two” , The flashback and the foreshadowing parts can be considered as simultaneity because they seems like two independent events assumed to be happening at the same time through cuts back and forth, but actually not. It’s an illusion which I used different color code to indicate.

LEIT MOTIF is “the use of a visual element (or a sound element) to stand for an idea and have it reappear intermittently  to indicate or remind the view of that idea.” I used clips of beer as a foreshadowing to alert the viewer something is going to happen and used moments of working very hard as flashbacks  when she depresses and thinks about her past.

I think planning and storyboard are the key in this project, storyboard saved a lot of time when actually filming, it gives us clear direction. The filming is time consuming because I had to film in different angles and pick the best one. I enjoyed editing this time because it is exciting to actually make a movie although I cut form 4 minute to 2. I was satisfied when I finished editing, to see all the effect I used and all the skills I learned. It is more intriguing to have clips back and forth, it allow views to think and think it as a puzzle, it feels amazed when something appeared to be confusing, but actually make sense and can be connected until the end. I also spent a lot of time on the music editing, because the mood changes, therefore music has to change its mood. The transition is always the hardest to fix because it is opposite feelings connecting to each other.

I am so sorry that I did not save the one color theme video after I showed you in class. I thought it is a practise video so I edited after you gave me feedbacks and started this one.




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