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Postcard from the future

We were asked to do a postcard from the future about a place where we previously wrote about in Who’s Story Is This Anyways? In my case, I wrote about a travelers’ spot in China called Hainan, where I visited in 2007 and encountered a tropical hurricane.


Hainan is the smallest and southernmost province of China. It is partly covered by the path of typhoon, which constitutes major flooding in affected cities. Hainan has over 1,500 square kilometer of tropical forest, in which live 4,600 kinds of plants and more than 570 species of animals. However, due to an invasion of exotic species, human impact from tourism, deforestation, and the release of pollutants, many species are under threat.


According to the State Oceanic Administration of The People’s Republic of China(http://www.soa.gov.cn/zwgk/hygb/zghpmgb/201804/t20180423_61104.html),  the average rising rate is 3.3mm per year from 1980 to 2017. Such rising rate of the sea level is above the global average. So I made this postcard from 100 years later, when all the beautiful beaches will be underwater. The rising sea level is intimidating to us all and is definitely depressing. It is estimated that other nearby major cities such as Shanghai and Guangzhou are also subjected to this process. However I don’t suppose such fact would stop the process of urbanization in the future of China. They will go under the water and make developments. I believe the technology necessary for such development can occur within 100 years. There may be mega cities and sea-level-scrapers under the ocean in the future.


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