Integrated Studio Project 5 Week 4 Check In

This week was a vital week for the group, we’re finally getting into planning and production which is very satisfying after the weeks of attempted discussion. I am primarily working on the zines and planning some projected images with the structure group.

We are going to have 2 types of zine, one of which will have 3 editions. The first zine is primarily images, collages made as a healing practice. We started collecting images for this zine by collaging working on our own collages, which we will continue to do to build content. We are also reaching out to our friends and family, to get imagery from people of different ages, genders, occupations, and mind states. Our hope is to get professional information on how creating can be helpful to easing mental frustrations; this info would ideally be from a primary sources.

Some of these scans will be used to project onto the structure, linking the zine and form. We are also going to make some type of database to house everything we collect, regardless of whether or not it ends up in the zine.

The second type of zine is a more classic silhouette: we’re doing three versions of a six page foldable layout, which unfolds to create a poster. Each version of the zine will include prompts with a specific theme and color. These will be screen printed, as will the cover of the other zine.

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