Integrative Studio Project 5 Final Week and Review

In the last week of this project, I was able to pull together many loose ends. We had planned for a collage party just the weekend before so we had to finish up the layout and all of the screenprinting for the zines. Jenny and I printed over 300 layers in total over the week, printing two layers each for the prompt zines and finishing up the collages.

The printing went quite wonderfully. I was very worried about the color, as we were creating three monochromatic scales and I’ve had trouble mixing color in the past. I refused to simply buy the color because I knew this was experience I needed so I set up a meeting with one of my bosses in the printshop and we mixed the colors, learning along the way. I was pleasantly surprised.


Printing the words onto the prompt zines quickly became problematic. Our screens began to clog because of the font weight so Jenny and I decided to go to the graphics lab. Surprisingly, printing the zines took three 2 hour sessions in the graphics lab…but we did it!! haha We were not sure we’d be able to but we did. After ALL of the printing, came the folding. I actually really enjoy folding these zines, it was a nice ending to the project, as it was therapeutic for me.


The actual set up and experience of the project turned out to be lovely. I was happy to see the animation functioning well in the goggles and to sit under the weighted blanket. I do feel like we were able to create a full thing, which I know a lot of people were worried about toward the beginning of the class.

Ultimately I do believe I learned a lot through this project: not only about working with others, but also how I work myself. I tend to take on a heavy load and I think I might need to work harder to relinquish some of my responsibility.

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