Inhale exhale


My sound project was representing the sound of water, the sound of silence and emptiness, putting the audience in the place of a person in water, in a bathtub or even in a bigger space like a swimming pool. The concept of my video is the abstract idea of suffocation, life and death. It starts off in a bathtub: dressed up, the girl is lying down in the filling tub. Underwater, the colours change: the image turns blue. You can see her dress and hair flowing through the water and floating. She is blowing bubbles throughout her nose, her eyes closed: she is the physically present under the water. When she is above water (according to the sounds), she is still under it (according to the image). Her unconscious, awaken, is still trapped underwater. Zooming in on her open eyes, her static hair and dress, I am emphasizing that it is not the ‘real her’, the physical her. Her unconscious is awakened, but her body is not. This video is about passing from life to death so I decided to make the next frames accelerated and reversed images of the whole video (underwater): when you die, people say that you see your life flashing within a few second. With no transitions, these accelerated frames will be followed by a very slow, blue, contrasted, dark and turbulent image of the girl ‘dead’ (coming out of the water) for the end to be very strong and compelling.

This concept is emphasized with the coordinated image to the sound, where the sound of water, the sound of emptiness and heartbeats connect with the pale, pure, close up images and the blue, dark, flowing images.




Sound clip
