
For this project, we had to create a fake identity website on which we would publish a magazine.

I decided to create a website on nature and art and how they are related which is called MIMESIS (“In ancient Greece, mimesis was an idea that governed the creation of works of art, in particular, with correspondence to the physical world understood as a model for beauty, truth and the good”).

The more I look at nature to more I realize how magnificent it is. I truly believe that the most beautiful things reside in nature and that it is a constant inspiration for human kind.

You can find any colors or shapes in nature, which I believe is the reason why it must be a source of inspiration for art.

Multiple times while swimming and observing fishes, I told to my self that this or this color would be an amazing one for a garment or a piece of art.

The moment I decided that I was going to do a website about nature and art was when I went to Union Square organic market and randomly took a picture of a cauliflower that I found interesting. A day after I looked at the picture which was a close up of it and realized how detailed and beautiful it was. I found my self looking at the cauliflower in the same way I am starring at art while being in a museum.


Nature is everywhere in art, from the literal to the abstract inspiration provided by the textures, colors and sounds drawn from the natural world.

Before anything was even created, there was nature. I strongly believe that anything that was invented was drawn from the observation of Nature: its colors, textures. Nature is a piece of art by itself.

So for this project I decided that for every picture of nature I would take I would associate a piece of art to show are closely related they are and on top of everything how nature is a piece of art by itself.

“The beauty of nature reflected in art is just another reminder of our need to protect it.” ( quotes which shows the connection between this project and the social landscape one)

See full website/ book here: https://louise-maltaverne.squarespace.com/config#/|/









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My name is Louise Maltaverne. I am a 20 year old student at Parsons the New School for Design. I am a Junior majoring in Integrated Design. I first entered Parsons as a Strategic Design and Management major; as an artist I wanted to be my own advocate. I soon realized that I wanted to spend my academic career as an an art student rather than as a business one. A sense for business is something that value a lot but that doesn't quite equalize what I feel when it comes to artistic practices. Art impacts every aspect of my life, its role is significantly present in everything I feel and everything I do. I practice art extremely intuitively, freely and playfully and its power operates on me, not only as an artist but as a human being unconsciously. Indeed, art doesn't only make me grow as an artist but also as a human being. Art is helping me everyday to become a more patient, more focused, precise and calm. Ideally I see my self becoming an artistic director, a bridge between various sectors of the art field: design, fashion, photography and fine art. At the moment, the art forms that fulfill me the most are: drawing which i do in a very obsessive and repetitive way; fashion which I either practice very technically, or , on the other hand extremely freely and finally photography which allows me to exerce my eye, capture moments an create atmospheres but which also acts a meeting platform for the two last practices I was describing. Indeed, as abstract as it may sounds, what I love the most is creating a character thought the means of fashion, make up and molding; then capture this setting through photography and finally overlay the image with some of my abstract drawings. Like this it feels extremely personal, like an exteriorization of my self. People do art for various kinds of reasons; whether it is for political, social, philosophical or therapeutical reasons. I believe that artists by some sort of internal flame, as abstract as it may be. I am not a 100% sure yet when it comes to why I make art, but what I know is what it means for me: freedom, expression and exchange.

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