Status report 2


Project Name: Making recycling appealing with fashion as a medium.

Reporting Period: From : 11/18/2015 To 12/02/2015

Prepared By: Louise Maltaverne

How can we make recycling appealing trough Fashion ?

My project has for goal to answer this question




How can we make recycling appealing trough Fashion ?

My project has for goal to answer this question, how can I get people interested in recycling, and pollution issues ? Is it by creating eco friendly garments? Is it by creating some type of exhibition, which has those two subjects as a theme?

To bring an efficient solution, I have to take into account every scenario, possibility, information, the audience I want to reach as precisely as possible so that my project doesn’t fail.


Work Completed Last Week

Those past two weeks I started by sketching the garments I was going to create, I also started gathering various materials. My part of the project being that I have to create garments which have the goal of conveying an idea and a point, I didn’t create garments with usual fabrics as their goal is not necessarily to be wearable but to spray the fact that we are the reason the planet is polluted, that we should fight pollution ( maybe by making fashion sustainable?), as well as we should recycle.

I started creating those garment: a scarf and a top knitted with trash bags ( by making the model wear this garment, she will be wearing trashes, so pollution which will point to the fact that we are the only reason why the planet is dying. The second top is made out of recycled plexiglas, plexiglas I had previously used, but of Which I still had enough to cut circles out of it, which I assemble, in order to create this top. The meaning of this garment is to make recycling appealing as well as conveying the idea that Fashion could be a zero waste industry.

I also met with Lily and started discussing the setting for the exhibition as well as we created a schedule, which indicates when the garments have to be done as well as when we are going to do the shooting, the editing as wall as the hangers for the exhibition.


Work Planned for Next Week


Next week, I am planning to keep on working on the garments, as they take a lot of time to assemble. I am also planning on doing the shooting, as well as gathering ideas about the esthetic of the campaign. Lily and I are also going to meet up in order to decide what we want to incorporate in the description of the exhibition.

Open Risks

Will I have time to finish the garments?

If yes, will it leave me enough time to shoot the model with the clothes, plus doing the campaign, plus writing an explanation, as well as creating the hangers for the clothes.


Deliverables and Milestones,

Research personae

Swatches of experimentation with various materials,

Pieces of garments made out of organic fabric or recycled materials

photoshoot of models wearing the garments.

A campaign that will promote my project that will also be the advertisement for the “exhibition”

A description of what the exhibition is about.












Sketches for the plexiglas top

Screen Shot 2015-11-27 at 11.40.18 PM Screen Shot 2015-11-27 at 11.40.30 PM

Adobe Illustrator document for the laser cutter


In the process of making the plexiglas top



Researches for the top made out of trashes


Texture of the pollution garments


A part of the scarf

Front of the top ( not entirely finished, work might be done on the texture)

My name is Louise Maltaverne. I am a 20 year old student at Parsons the New School for Design. I am a Junior majoring in Integrated Design. I first entered Parsons as a Strategic Design and Management major; as an artist I wanted to be my own advocate. I soon realized that I wanted to spend my academic career as an an art student rather than as a business one. A sense for business is something that value a lot but that doesn't quite equalize what I feel when it comes to artistic practices. Art impacts every aspect of my life, its role is significantly present in everything I feel and everything I do. I practice art extremely intuitively, freely and playfully and its power operates on me, not only as an artist but as a human being unconsciously. Indeed, art doesn't only make me grow as an artist but also as a human being. Art is helping me everyday to become a more patient, more focused, precise and calm. Ideally I see my self becoming an artistic director, a bridge between various sectors of the art field: design, fashion, photography and fine art. At the moment, the art forms that fulfill me the most are: drawing which i do in a very obsessive and repetitive way; fashion which I either practice very technically, or , on the other hand extremely freely and finally photography which allows me to exerce my eye, capture moments an create atmospheres but which also acts a meeting platform for the two last practices I was describing. Indeed, as abstract as it may sounds, what I love the most is creating a character thought the means of fashion, make up and molding; then capture this setting through photography and finally overlay the image with some of my abstract drawings. Like this it feels extremely personal, like an exteriorization of my self. People do art for various kinds of reasons; whether it is for political, social, philosophical or therapeutical reasons. I believe that artists by some sort of internal flame, as abstract as it may be. I am not a 100% sure yet when it comes to why I make art, but what I know is what it means for me: freedom, expression and exchange.

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