Environmental Portrait – FINAL

During my visit to Farah’s house, I got trapped by the objects that she brought from home because they are possessions that are hugely valuable to her, emotionally speaking. Keeping the initial idea of portraying only those kind of objects, I choose to take her favourite songs and overlapping them, in order to show how her various aspects of her character flap and mix with each other. Where the sound was louder and more noisy, the meaning was that the object brought up in her mind the most vibrant memories and reminded her of her infancy in an extremely clear and detailed way. When the video shifts to a quieter music, this means that her brain has more blurry remembrances about the past. The videos of the same object that are repeating shows how those objects are the most important to Farah due to the memories related and the emotions she feels when getting in contact with those items.

If I had time to improve it and create a third part, I would change the media used and I will create a big scale drawing of the most important and meaningful object for Farah. This way I would manage to increase the understanding of what her most personal item is and this will help to not make the viewers confused by loosing attention to the video. I will write certain parts of the lyrics of her favourite songs as concise scripts using a black marker that would fulfil the white background of the canvas.

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