Unconventional Tour – FIRST DRAFT

Meanwhile scrolling the pictures, listen as a background music this:

The idea to keep the pictures really simplistic is to show the infancy as a way of portraying a cemetery. The white, rough lines represents how children are forgetting the importance of a graveyard as they do not have memories from it. The outline of the child that appears in every picture and he is hiding behind some tombs is to show how, for young people, this place can be seen as a playground where they can run, play with each other and speak. The choice of keeping the editing and the displaying really simple is to effectively show our aim for this project. The sounds that accompany the view of the pictures is to emphasise the childish and playful way that babies have in any situation and manage to be happy, even, at harder times.

For the next phase of the project, we will push forward the idea of loss of memory. In the seminar essay we chose to write about three completely different memorials: the Monument aux Morts, the Holocaust and the Air France 447 crash. To improve the concept of defeat of remembrance, we are going to focus on the plane crash memorial by printing out about 40 pictures of the victims and displaying them on the screen using double sided tape. The photographs will be converted into negative colours composed of two bright ones, in order to give a more abstract and anonymous look to them. This is to show how there is not a wide memory of each dead people, but there is still memory of the accident as a whole. The screen will show as a full white background, so that the printed pictures are not clearly shown and they fade well; they become part of the loss of memories. Together with the display of the photographs on the screen, various news media will play simultaneously to create, for the viewers, a major understanding of the accident and to help them to remember what happened on that day. This is to make sure that no one forgets each of this individuals that had a tragic death.

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