Time Project 2: Cutting Edge Documentary Notes

The Cutting Edge Documentary Notes:

  • Seen this film before
  • Director-Editor Relationships
  • Power of a single frame can influence the entire film
  • Realism is achieved through the deception of editing (Jaws)
  • suspended judgement was broken (The audience is taken out of the story by being shows how a film was put together)
  • Juxtaposition of editing: Creating a third more powerful sub-meaning through the use of two unrelated shots.
  • Juxtaposition is the most crucial element of deeper meaning storylines
  • speed up and slow down time to distort the audience’s perception
  • Russians vs griffith and now the american cinema absorbed what he Russians pioneered in film and editing.
  • appropriation of techniques
  • suspension as a build up to action
  • seeing something but hearing something else so they don’t match creates alternative theories for the viewer
  • cut with your gut not if there should or should be a cut
  • Disassociation from the preproduction and emotional aspect of the film until its finished
  • sound and picture manipulation of audiences
  • Standard editing rules and breaking them to achieve various effects
  • Fracturing time and space
  • Making the cuts faster split seconds to capture that extra movement
  • Kids demand the fastness of information
  • When not to cut


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