September Drawings


This cloth study was done in charcoal on 24″ x 11″ bristol paper. The purpose was to capture different values of shadows and highlights within the wrinkles and folds of the fabric. It would have been ideal to continue the background so that the piece didn’t seem so incomplete.



This drawing of chairs was done in charcoal on 11″ x 24″ bristol paper. Using basic shapes, I drew the negative space surrounding the chairs. After completing the piece I feel that there are some areas where my proportions are off.



This line drawing of a paper bag arrangement was done using pencil on 11″ x 24″ bristol paper. This exercise taught me the importance of line weight and how darker strokes create the illusion of proximity. The arrangement and placement of the subject on the paper leaves a lot of empty space on the left side, I would definitely add more paper bags to fill up the entire canvas.



This 11″ x 24″ pencil drawing of a dinosaur skeleton was done at the Museum of Natural History. This assignment helped me break down the steps to drawing such a highly detailed object. I started by sketching out the basic outline and breaking down the proportions, then going back to add in the smaller details. However, I did not shade, which I should have done in order to make this a value drawing.



This sculpture drawing was done in pencil on 24″ x 11″ drawing paper. I went to the Petrie Sculpture Court at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and tried to put on paper what I saw. Due to the angle I was sitting at, I had a hard time foreshortening and both the left arm and legs or the sculpture look unproportional. I should have made the legs larger and the sculpture’s left arm shorter.


I drew this landscape of trees at Central Park, it is a pencil line drawing done on 11″ x 24″ drawing paper. While observing the landscape I had to figure out the most efficient way to draw what was in front of me, I chose to exclude the grass in my drawing because I felt it would look overwhelming and messy. One thing I would do differently is to omit the line going across the signifying the path, it isn’t really necessary in the piece.

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