Witnessing in the City

10" x 10" Adobe Photoshop

10″ x 10″ Adobe Photoshop

10" x 10" Adobe Photoshop

10″ x 10″ Adobe Photoshop

For this project I wanted to focus on the process of making a crepe. There are many crepe places around the city, many of which actually make the crepes in front of you. I wanted to capture the steps of creating this dessert. The process for every crepe starts off the same: you pour the batter onto the griddle, spread it out, and once the crepe is cooked you can add onto it whatever your heart desires. I chose to format my project in a circle and divide the pictures into six parts, like a crepe. The purpose of showing two different “crepes” is to represent the two orders: the first customer ordered one berry crepe which I showed the complete steps from start to finish. The second person ordered two crepes, in which the person making the crepes worked simultaneously between two griddles. I chose to divide up the steps showing the beginning, middle, and then the end result of both crepes in one picture. Each “crepe” was printed and folded into six sections, like an actual crepe.

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