Exploring a Space – Body, Space and Movement

We decided to study the movement of light.


In order to fulfill the requirements of the assignment of exploring an 8 cubic meters space using 3 ingredients: space, body, and movement, we limited ourselves to a small bathroom where we could move around and draw out patterns using light. The overall idea is to use our bodies as an instrument to create the movement of light through space.



We use a wide lens camera to capture more of the space, and with slow shutter mode, we managed to capture the movement of the light we wanted.

Inspired by the images shown above, we played around with the color of the light as well: covering the flashlight with a white paper gave the light a much clearer definition than when not covered with anything; placing our fingers over the flashlight created a tone of red/orange light. The challenging part of demonstrating this idea is to successfully capture a complex movement which is clearly seen to be made by a human.




inspiration board






But after listening to the critics, we decided to do them in a gif form.



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