
Not a linear story, a kind of mash up of interviews with students and b roll of them, their clothes, as well as other b roll of fashion and stuff


Goal/intended purpose:

Explore the students of the parsons summer program’s identities, cultures, similarities, and differences through the clothes that they wear and how their clothing empowers them.


WHO – students at in the summer program!

WHAT – ^ students, their outfits, close ups of them and of their clothes (get personal, get textures, get details), b-roll in stores: clothes, going through the racks, people walking down the street, etc.

WHERE – DIY studio in the parsons dorms (stuyvesant park): set up a backdrop (plain white background most likely), studio lights, tripod, on the streets around where we have class, in stores
WHEN – b-roll outside of interviews during class time, interviews on saturday during the day

HOW – shoot with 2 cameras, one focusing on wider shots and the other on close ups in the interviews with students, maybe a third camera angle wide to make it more dynamic?


Has any media work already been produced on this subject? Show us examples of these references and explain what is new, different, interesting, engaging about your approach?

Style? (Any key stylistic elements in shooting, audio, editing, etc.). Show two examples (these can, of course, be from the lists we showed you in class)

Definitely media work has already been produced on this subject, we took inspiration from the Calvin Klein video that we watched in class, need one more example. We are focusing on teenagers, artists, people who came to new york city from all kinds of different places to be here.



Will you have sound in it? Music? Narration? Who’s talking?

We will have sound in it, music in an intro (and outro) and possibly spliced up within the video along with audio of the answers students give us, the students are talking


Who is working on the project and what will the role of each person be?






Need someone always focused on talking to the people, someone monitoring the audio, two people taking video


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