TED Talk Reflections

Victoria Okai
Aviva Shulem
TED Talks: Reflection 1

Ross Lovegrove:
“I’m just interested in natural growth patterns and the beauty that only nature really creates.”
Lovegrove introduces the concept of impressionism and how perception elevates peoples’ minds and immediately refers to nature. Nature, to him, forms 3D and that seems to be a valid source of inspiration for his art. Organic design refers to the sense of being, relationships with things and sensuality so the concept of a water bottle is merely a skin for water to Lovegrove. He explains that the image of a water droplet is a car to him and insists that it is indeed so if he says it is. Objects are based off of a personal perception of things and a relationship to it.

Paola Antonelli:
Design is a way to express thought and it should be treated as art. Art, design and science are
unified. Design is not just decoration, it serves a functional purpose as well. It is a designers job to consider the functionality in design and not just the aesthetics.

Alke Rawsthorn:
Design fixes problems because they serve a purpose for functionality. Rebels are the greatest
designers and that is how they proved to be revolutionary throughout history. The pirate flag was designed in a way that would scare people into giving up their money. Nurses advocated for better, cleanlier environments.

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