Week 3 Project 1

Map of Memory 

Ana and Luke are going to create several illustrations that visualize our memory. Ana has been in Paris only for three weeks so far, while Luke has been here for more than two years. This gap of year creates a difference in drawing between flesh and blur memory. “Clearly a Parisian privilege to use the subway map as a reminder, as a memory machine, or a pocket mirror on which sometimes are reflected—and lost in a flash—the skylarks of the past.” quoted Walter Benjamin, Metro station triggers the memory. As the practice, Luke first wrote whatever comes up when he thought about the past by looking at the pictures on the phone. He went to the stations that he used to use in the past. He wrote down whatever he could remember from the area and drew as an image accordingly. This is the writing about Elameman.

“As the grey sky turns into blue, the mood of Paris changes saucy winter to warm spring. Exaleman is located at the border of 16th arrondissement and 92, and it has such a calm vibe. Neighbors were very friendly English spoken folks as I was living in a student residence. Although my experience in the area didn’t make me feel living in Paris, I spent most of my time hanging out with the students in the house. We went to bars to bars every weekend, until we feel a bit awkward about not having anything to talk about. Chris was the NVP friend in residence. He had this French literature student look with a huge beard, but he is from Canada, Montreal. And he likes to eat bread and cheese. There were no many memories in the area, but at the same time, I remember how peaceful the city was. This picture is a view from my balcony, where Chris and I used to smoke a cigarette and drink beer while we talk about dreams and listen to music. “

The drawing will include the map, the person I lived or close with while I was in the area, and some elements related to the memory during each period. The color of paper and pen should match with Ana to match the style and make it as one project.

To be continued…

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