Everyday System assignment


Service image

How techniques did you use in making your design?

In this assignment we had to create a service image to bring out a message that can be simple to read and interpret. On the black paper I cut out the human and dog shape, then took a photo and brought it into Illustrator. After using image trace I brought it into Photoshop and coloured in the dog and leash to emphasise on the message of leashing your dog.

What is the goal of you Service Image?

My message was to ‘Leash your dog’


Between the folds

This is an in depth video on paper folding, it can also be called origami. In this documentary, various artist/scientist are interviewed, their work are being showcased in their own style and talked about who inspired them to start folding paper.

In the video I have noticed there are almost no woman who pursues a serious interest like the people interviewed. We probably view paper folding as an art form but after this video, I realised that there is a lot of science behind folding paper and how it could revolutionary and a science breakthrough.

A very inspiring film.

Animal skin experiments

Using thread and wire, I have experimented different ways to connect the bristol paper together.

From top to bottom I have used different techniques
Top skin: Thread
Middle skin: Wire
Bottom skin: Combination of thread and wire