Bridge Project 2

Compared to my first tool (the runner’s fanny safety fanny pack), I realized I had to completely rethink my idea of an invented tool.  I sketched up a few new ideas and came up with a few ideas but they wern’t unique enough, I wanted to come up with something totally out of the box and strange.


I spent the day thinking of everyday simple problems that don’t have solutions.  Automatically I thought of problems that lazy people encounter and thought of how annoying it is sometimes to put your socks on if you’re in a hurry. The Sock Box came to mind…




Apart from inventing the tool, we had to present our tools in pairs through the presentation of performance art.  Each pair had to incorporate each of their tools into one performance.  My partners tool was a ventilation mask that purifies the nasty city air through a sort of ventilation system.  There was no speaking in our performance, only music (Premiére Gymnopédie – Erik Satie).  We chose a song that gave a relaxed feel to fit the mood of the performance which was set as a waking up in the morning scene.  The performance began with both of us waking up in the morning in different houses, putting our socks on (one of us using the sock box, the other not using the sock box struggling).  We then put on jackets to step outside and once we both step outside one of us has the ventilation mask on, and the other doesn’t coughing and breathing in the air from a steaming pothole.  The goal of the performance was to show how tough life would be without using our tools by having one of us using the tool and the other struggling without it.  Using the entire length of the room, bringing in props, and using the desks to create a setting really helped add to our performance.

sketches 3




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