The ideal park life for Squirrels

From a squirrel’s point of view…

Living arrangements:


Nest in tree

Hole in tree




Looks like this little guy could use a helping hand.


How we can help:

create piles of leaves & twigs at the bottoms of suitable trees


Food & Water

Food: (squirrels are NOT picky eaters)

-fruits & vegetables

-nuts, seeds, leaves, pinecones, acorns, leaves, roots, bark

Water: Harder to locate in the city because there are no bodies of water nearby, especially inside of parks like Tompkins Square.  They also drink from puddles, which aren’t always available without the necessary rain.

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How we can help:

-designated food scrap piles located around the park in various locations

-Squirrels love bird baths, and the water is cleaner than puddles (obviously)

Have three or four bird baths located around the park for squirrels to drink from (& lounge in)


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Creating a tree network, tree traveling:

-less danger

-less obstacles to encounter when traveling through the trees

-Quicker way to navigate through the different islands of trees throughout the park


Map of Tompkins Square Park:

-includes all of the features talked about, and possible locations.

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