Collapsing Time

Homesickness has been a struggle for me since I moved to the city.  I’ve always been extremely close to my family especially my parents.  It’s strange not seeing them every day, and coming home to my actual house at the end of the day.  Being the emotional person I am, the idea of portraying this project as my homesickness came naturally.  I took the image of me looking off into the distance at a quarry and superimposed it over an old picture of my house from 300 years ago.  The resulting image shows me looking off into the distance of my house.


Words are written throughout the inside of the box randomly placed and messily written to show in words how it feels to be homesick.  The bright funky colors were chosen to portray a hazy whimsical feel.

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The ouside of the box was created with gesso, and black acrylic paint with a glossy overcoat.  I chose this texture and color combination to create an uncomfortable, dark feeling to juxtapose the bright colored paper used on the inside of the box.




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