Hands…hands…hands…and wood.


“Wooden lift”


That is the finished project, which I called a “Wooden Lift”.

1) My first step was actually to do the hand. I used a plaster for that, and weird pink stuff, which felt like cold oatmeal.

For the box, I just used regular wood. No magic in it.



2) Then, I cut the pieces of wood into smaller part, and started to construct the stand, or the “Lift”.

3) Thats what I got.



Though, when I removed the hand from this “weird pink stuff” two finders broke. I decide not to attach them to the hand, but to do them a part of design.

On one of the top wooden sticks, I wrote “Vive La France.” Originally, I did not mean anything, but it was a song I was listening too. I just felt like I need to write something on one of this sticks, to make the design more interesting.

I know it looks dirty, and I actually tried to do it more dirty looking, so I made the pencil marks. It is because, I could not clean all the wood before cutting it, so it was already dirty. The best solution I came up with is to make it more dirtier.




Hi everyone! I was born in Russia, but for the past couple of years, I lived in Miami, Florida. My passion is drawing and painting, and one more....I am not going to tell you..secret:)

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