The Lamp

First of all, I started with doing 3D triangles, and combining them in a figure..


Then, I did the “top” out of chipboard, which covers the front part of my figure.


After practicing working with the chipboard and straws, I did the sketch of the lamp I was going to do. I also did the maker out of chipboard…

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That really looked like a head piece, or capsule, and for lamp design, it was not working. So, I decided to completely change the design. Though, I was sure that I would work with metal.

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This is what I got as my final piece. It was really hard to work with the metal for the first time. I am not happy with the result, by the way. I completely messed up the top part as you can see..

Hi everyone! I was born in Russia, but for the past couple of years, I lived in Miami, Florida. My passion is drawing and painting, and one more....I am not going to tell you..secret:)

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