I had two objects in my room, which I wanted to use, for they were broken. The First thing I thought about was old broken iPhone. The idea was to create some kind go a holder for my current phone, or a statue out of it. I thought about it a lot, but did not have any good designs on my mind. So, I decided to waive the idea with iPhone, and move to the second object I had.
Half a year ago, I messed up my favorite sweater by spilling half of the bottle of black ink on it. The sweater was white, so I immediately ran to the bathroom, and tried to wash away the ink with soap and water, but that did not help. I took it to cleaners, but the people who work there said, that they could do nothing. The ink is too strong, so the spot was impossible to wash away. I did not wear this sweater outside anymore, but only at home. The ink spot was too visible, though, it washed away a just little with time.
The second idea was to fix my favorite sweater. I wanted somehow to cut out the ink spot, or sew something on the top of it, but I experiment a little. I looked at the ink spot, and I kind of likes it. My idea was to spill ink on the whole sweater, to create somehow a pattern made out of these ink spots. So, I put ink drops all over the sweater, and after, I put some water with soap, as I did when I spilled ink on it for the first time. I thought, that it made the ink go deeper into the fabric. After all the process, I left it for 30 minutes, to let the ink completely go the fabric, and I put it in the washer. I was expecting to see the same patterns all over the sweater, but when I took it out, I saw that the whole thing became grey with little black spots all over it. I loved it, but decided to wash it one more time, to make sure that the color stays well. After second was, I saw the odor faded just a little, so I really like the result.
The disadvantages of the sweater were the black ink spot, and the color. The color actually turned yellowish, and was not white anymore. After I “fixed” it, the color became grey, which I like. Now, it has patterns, and the ink spot is definitely not visible anymore.