The Easy Squeeze: Portfolio


Design Studio 1 Timeline

Week 1 10/3


Find inspiration- visit botanical gardens

Identify user

make at least 30 ideation sketches

identify plan for top 3 designs including tools, materials and time needed for each


Week 2 10/10


Build sketch-up models from foam and other sketch materials

Identify strengths and weaknesses of each material

Record trial and error process with sketches and photos


Week 3 10/17 ~ 31


Finish models before 25th

Compile photos and sketches of process to present

Test and pilot models before turning in


Final Project Storyboard

Scan 250 (1)Scan 257Scan 252 (1)Scan 253 (1)Scan 254 (1)Scan 255Scan 258Scan 251 (1)

Visual Map Of Peirce’s Categories


Time-Based Project Process #1


Perceived Spaces Final


Still To Moving Process


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