Selves with Object, Part 1

Yeah, I’m an awkward person

Great, forgot my object on the first day of class

My object, my prom king crown, can be revealing to many for multiple reasons. One being, it can connect a lot of people to a very special moment in the hisghchool career, prom. Another being, it can show people that even material things can host a ton of meaning to one person, while meaning nothing to others. Also, it can show that many people are rooting for you when least expected. I won prom king because others wanted me to win, they truly believed I deserved it. Almost most of my graduating class. Most importantly, it can show people that happiness comes in all shapes and forms, plus you have to have some form of foundation to do or believe or even go anywhere in life. My crown was the start/foundation to journey of foInding me.


6 crowns

Crown 1&2 are from two different books. One given a 2-D perspective and the other 3-D.

3&4 are from different historical era. One was a real crown, the second a statute depicting a man wearing a crown. I don’t remember the exact time frames in which both the picture was tooken and statue was made.

5&6 were from selfies. In the first you’re only supposed to see the crown, my forehead and my eye brows. When I was drawing I calculated the space wrong, so only the crown is seen in the picture. But I took this selfie because it was the same one I took on my way to an after prom party and the same one I contained taking whenever I wanted to reminisce about that special night. The second sketch was a selfie with me putting the crown on.

I think for the chosen object, I want to combine images 2&3 to my best ability.

Mission: when I think of mission, I think of an hero who’s trying to help save the world or something. I believe most think of the word in this way. But rarely anyone thinks of a hero going on a mission to save and find oneself. Here’s where my avatar comes into play, finding himself. Through the usage of just a mere prom king crown. At least that what’s everyone else sees. To my avatar, the is crown is signaling the end of his past life and a beginning to a new. Without this crown, my avatar wouldn’t b as brave and wanting to take this journey, it’s his support system in ways unimaginable to others. It all startis this crown, but the end result will be much more than just the material object.

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