Brainstorming for our Final Project!

This is a post for us to discuss and brainstorm about our Final Project.

Just edit this post and write down your hopes, dreams and ideas!



– Think about what we would like to learn (be it a skill, a production mode, a media, etc) and frame the project around it.

– Think about one idea in a more conceptual sense and ask what media could do for it.


  1. merrileepan · October 27, 2015 Reply

    From my midterm presentation, the technology that I wanted to experiment were:
    – Arduino, Kinect, Projection Mapping, Oculus, QR Codes, & Drones

    In terms of a more conceptual idea, I was thinking about trying to find a way address the issue of delayed trains and busses on the MTA and maybe ho we can alleviate the frustration people have with waiting for a train or bus for long periods of time.

  2. David Wilson · October 27, 2015 Reply

    Projection Mapping example:

  3. David Wilson · October 27, 2015 Reply

    Another example of a cool inspirational project

  4. David Wilson · October 27, 2015 Reply

    We could possibly incorporate Periscope:

  5. David Wilson · October 27, 2015 Reply

    Another inspirational project is REACH New York

    • Letícia Ferreira · October 27, 2015 Reply

      We could design a relaxing and pleasant experience for the finals period, in the 16th St. building.

  6. David Wilson · October 27, 2015 Reply

    Another inspirational piece

  7. David Wilson · October 27, 2015 Reply

    Maybe we could use this in a cool way

  8. David Wilson · October 27, 2015 Reply

    Another inspiring example from Krzysztof Wodiczko

  9. David Wilson · October 27, 2015 Reply

    How can we make a piece that “transpires”?

  10. Letícia Ferreira · October 27, 2015 Reply

    We are thinking of communal or group use or space.

    Interactivity modes:
    Looking for a communal/ group experience, not necessarily direct interactivity.
    Looking for some relationship with the space.
    Breaking the routine of, intervening in the space. Modulate or enhance the space.

    Time and Scale:
    Do we want to capture users attention for a second lapse or for a long time?
    Initially, we are thinking of a passing through/by the piece time.
    Or maybe it could “transpires”.

    It looks like we are going towards projection mapping.

    Do we want to make it big, do we want to make it small? How big, how small?
    Feasible large

    Inspirational example:

  11. Letícia Ferreira · October 27, 2015 Reply

    Do we want to make it “Holiday Season”-y?

    Approach range from celebratory to criticizing consumerism.

  12. Letícia Ferreira · October 27, 2015 Reply

    We are thinking of a public projection with a infrared motion capability that is seasonally themed.

  13. Letícia Ferreira · October 27, 2015 Reply

    We would like to observe at least 2 iterations and have PIRT observe at least one.

  14. David Wilson · October 27, 2015 Reply

    Another inspirational piece
    Can we tie a projection mapped element to this?

  15. David Wilson · October 27, 2015 Reply

    We should think about using Raspberry Pi

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