Seminar Bridge project 3


Being alone and feeling lonely are two different things.

Even though you’re alone, are you lonely?

Loneliness is a feeling almost everyone has felt.

Human interaction is a cure.


You can feel lonely when loved ones are away.

Being lonely feels like a knife in your chest.

You find yourself wanting to share your memories.

With each pickup line and laugh, I wish that I was a part of it.

I am one person in this huge school.

It makes me feel like a nobody.


Earth is the only planet we know of that contains life.

If there are others, wouldn’t they have contacted us?

Are we alone?

Listen, we are alone.


I am a small spec in the universe.

The earth is one little layer of the kingdom.

Being here, I can’t think of anything else besides communicating.

Do we need each other to grow?

Or are we just enjoying alone time?


I don’t need anyone to lean on.

I love this part of me.

There is victory in being alone.

But we all get bored of it.

This is how life is.


I sit here alone, until something sprouts up again in my life.

I have so many amazing people around me.

It’s better to be alive than dead.

Human interaction was the cure.






Inspiration pictures:

bk n picture1


The topic my group had chosen was loneliness. I chose the picture of a woman sitting at a bar taken by Julia Austin to inspire my writing. For my creative responses to my picture and my group member’s pictures, I started out by writing the first thing that came into my head and built a small story as I continued. My group members and I didn’t think about whether or not we were going to combine our creative writing pieces so each story we wrote didn’t relate to one another’s. The next step was to rearrange our sentences of each creative writing piece to create one big collaborated writing piece. This at first was difficult because each person in our group started out in different directions with how the work should flow but as soon as we got a couple sentences down we worked well from there.

Once we figured out a general direction we felt comfortable with moving pieces around freely while making sure it satisfied each group member. We changed each “you, her, or him” to either I or we to create a parallel structure. This was a big part of making the piece coherent.

When revising we also deleted every word that was unnecessary, in example we took out the words “very, like, and so”  from every sentence that didn’t absolutely need it. This made out piece more straight forward and made every word count.

One person in my group took the more supernatural approach to her creative writing pieces so there were a lot of sentences that were hard to fit into our poem. There was a sentence that said “Do we need other life forms to help us grow?” and instead we changed it to “Do we need each other to grow?” still keeping the idea of the sentence and keeping the question form but changing the nature feel to it. Changing these things allowed our poem to flow more through out and not look so cut up while still making a story out of it.

The process of making it with everyone’s creative writings and chosen words seemed chaotic at first but then became exciting and gave us the opportunity to think creatively on how we were going to put all the random words and phrases together. I enjoyed the whole process and working with my group members because if I had done this all on my own I most likely wouldn’t have come up with some of the ideas that they did.

The main thing that I wanted to achieve was making a piece that you were able to read easily but would still make your mind wonder. I wanted to make a piece that was able to flow and make sense because that was one of the more difficult parts while in the process of making it. I also learned how to make every word count and to get straight to the point. There were some sentences that were lengthy and we were able to make our point in much fewer words and still just as powerful. Overall I enjoyed the assignment and creative process that made my brain work in a way it’s not used to.




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