One Week Trash Response

It has become evident to me that Plastic waste is most problematic to me. Plastics, in particular the plastic packaging on sing-use items, are both my largest and most frequent form of waste. The idea of single-use plastic packaging has become a troubling thought to me – why do we (a collective people) continue to use harmful plastic to cover things that can easily be covered by something else, something that is harmless to our environment? In the mean time, before compostable (hopefully) packaging becomes widespread, I can solve many of my problems by going to the farmers market with my own bag in order to shop for the bulk of my food throughout the week. This would drastically reduce the amount of throw-away plastic I use on a daily basis.

My response is a meditation on the lost environment of our ancestors – A famous Claude Monet reproduction covered by theplastic pollution of our generation. What world are we leaving for the next generations?

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