Museum Visit Remake

In the Centre Pompidou I found a painting similar to those of Yves Kleins’s anthropomertier paintings. Below is the painting I am talking about.

As you can see Kazuo Shiraga use the same technique as Klein did, seeing closely into this painting and you can tell that he used his feet to paint this. During my research into Klein’s work I realise the similarities and parallels between their work. Klein even had thought of doing the same thing as Shigara but later decided that he would wear his famous tuxedo instead. Klein had a long fasination with the japanese culture and arts. He was a judo master and had spend time there. Shigara was one of the Gutai painters. The Gutai group was a group of painters whom covered their bodies in paint and rolled around in paper.

Though Klein didn’t like the idea of having paint on his body and being compared to them. I believe that both artist try to achieve the same thing regardless. In the Case of Kazou Shigara paintings and those of the Gutai’s, I believe that had capture a more raw image. Klein’s work was whimsical, where else the Shigara was unbound. It is like comparing pop music to punk rock.

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