Drawing and Imaging Finals


Lunch is an album inspired by an alternative band named Death Grips. Death grip’s aesthetics are very post modern and heavily influence by the internet. This album cover features an asian man with a riveting smile that has taken my interest multiple times, i believe it captures the chaos and randomness of the internet. The picture was found in a meme page online. The smiley face was my own creation, It was made in photoshop later vectorised on illustrator.



This is album cover is inspired by reggae and RnB album covers. It is a picture of my friend Heen surrounded by pretty ladies. It is fitting to the theme of the genre. Reggae and RnB music theme is typically about sex, love and relationships. To fit todays aesthetic of online music, I chose invert the image to make it more suitable. It is also in the best interest of most artist to disfigure most people in their artwork to avoid any legal trouble.


IHTBIMT  Is an album cover devoted to my favourite musical artist today. In this artwork I acknowledge the use of drugs and the glorification of them. In the right corner of the artwork there are butterfly shaped pills that are clearly a nod to them. The font I choose also fits their grungy and rebellious nature of their music. If there is one album cover that I would like to use or futher improve upon it would be this. I have consider to make music for it too. The butterfly specimen in the middle to bottom left is also similiar to the lunch”s aesthetic of postmodernist look. It was take from a movie.


This album artwork is inspired by 90’s car and rock enthusiast. This album cover is also influence by 90’s video game like metal slug. The picture shows me phasing through 7 version of my self, this is similar to the game.


Lastly Wild Flower is a indie rock album cover inspired by the Woodstock festival and the early 80’s LSD craze. This picture is a photo i took long ago for another project. This picture is modified to look like it is melt and warping. This is to simulate the effects of LSD when ingesting it. The font I chose was a font that is reminiscent of  a Call of duty (a video game). I choose it because the person in the picture is using a ghille suit ( a suit worn by snipers to conceal them in the foliage). Though the album cover does not promote and violence or warfare, I believe repurposing them for the opposite is quite interesting.

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