Basket Ball Scene (Studio)

Basket ball is sport played by both genders;  male and female. Although basketball as a sport is not by any means subjectect to any gender, it is certainly baised to males. Basketball since its earliest conception has been a sport that focus on male plaeyers. Although this can be said about most sport it is more evident that basketball is a male dominant sport. In Takeshi Kitano’s movie Brother( 1996) Yamamoto’s underling is seen playing basketball to kill time. This scene itself is quite a masculine scene, as seen below you can see that Colin and Kato is arguing over Kato’s cockiness and his eccentric Japanese humor.





This particular scene in the movie would be effective in my short film. I have decide to recreate this scene to convoy my ideas and pay homage to Kitano. Though the scene is shot well , the angle of the shot is very cinematic and less artistic. In the sense that shot is made for a film and not an art installation. The screenshot below is from a blood orange music video. This angel is what i want my video to be like as it more aethethically pleasing. Perhaps adding a back drop like in the music video could push my visions forward.




Potential Backdrop



Terrain De Basket ball Street Ball Jemmapes



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