Whitney Biennial

Sahra Moletabi

Directory Of Portrayals,




The bass in the video is what really excites me, in my archive I wrote playboi carti a young legend that I think really uses bass properly. A similar bass is used in the begining of A$AP Rock’y #freerocky “distorted records”. Read more on Motelbi, i found out she has a musically background which i think was the reason why it was intergrated in the piece so well.

Subliminal, utterly subliminal. Sahra moletabi artwork has truely moved me. It has been a long time since I have actually been so moved by an artwork. Her work was something i had imagine in my free thing, and so see something similar materialized in the real world is truely amazing. the bass, the bass, ohh the bass. As soon as you enter that room your greeted with an overwhemling distorted bass something like from a punk concret. Having gone to a lot of concerts I had invision multiple ways of creating one myself. Her art/performace at the whitney was something like from a concert, this meant that i could study her work to develop my own and create something of the same or better. Looking at the arts directory, I found that there was many people involved in it and it gave me some sense of satisfation. The fact that I knew one person could do all that instead of a coleective gave me the confidence that i need to pressue my career. Not to sound cocky, but i believe that having collabrative art change the direction of the work even if its infantile.





Jennifer Packer

A lesson on longing,

Looking at her painting gave me a rush of aderenaline from all the red she used. It was the right hue of thinned out blood spread acroosed the canvas, a blood orange. Her painting to me was graphic and vivid, it portraited a homocide or violence to an extreme nature. It was like reading an R-rated comic. However to my astonishment, this was opposite to what I saw it as, in her panel it wrote that her painting came from the desire to “present or protect humans” which was the contrary to what I saw.

side note:

reminded me of kill bill, this hyperviolence hyper realistic that in turn seems fake.

Janiva Ellis

Uh Oh, Look who got wet

This human/dog/baby character is like from a tv show but I cant seem to pin exactly where its from. The hand remind me of a character from one piece that has the ability to sprout her limbs on to things. However those hand remind me of looney tune hands and the mischaveness of it. her colors seem to be inverted and abracted from what real life. Like it be virtual manipulated.

Watching cartoons on acid, has to be the best way to describe her work. The colors where pyschadelic and her depictiong were trippy. This was a site of familiarity to me, it felt like I had an LSD flash. Her cartoon character in the painting was similar yet not the same to what I recognized on tv. In the purest sense her art work was to be sureliast, but not to the nature of portratying real life object or beings. In my archive i beriefly mention drugs of sort that would infact make your reality seem like it was in her painting. This distorted image is something od my obesssion. I see this as some sort of halluciatied wonderland that is blissfull ignorant or the opposite of being enlighten.


side note:

her colour scheme is like thos of an grateful dead art work. Very trippy.



Calvin Marcus

los angeles painting
tall snowman
conspiracy asses

(By far my favourite one from all of them)


Ghost of younger


no need here

His painting remind me of memes i use to see prior to social media memes. They felt outdated in some sense, and cultured(internet wise). His titles and work has a comedic tone to it like “tall snowman” and “conspiracy asses”. His paintings were simple and easy to digest, but thats not to say he lacked skill. It seem like he did them in purpose, what i mean by this is thta in his pain “no need here” he painted a coin with great detail that it look like an enlarged photo of one. I kept staring at it to see whether or not it was a pasted picture or in fact his paint, my conclusion was that it was paint. Though i found it difficult to see any resemblence or connectivity to  my archive, it has notheless gave an impression to me.




Eric N. Mack


Quilt to replace the american flag

During the field trip, i was just wondering the meseum to find artwork that only interested my and I ignore plenty others. With this mindset i comd the rooms as quickly as i could. One piece struck me as i walked pass it. This quilt at first reminded my of raf simons’s work. He too makes a bunch or quilt or towels. I at that time was convinced that it was actually a raf simon’s piece. I stop to check but to my dissapointment it was infact not his work.

Raf Simons’s

See the resemblence


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