Bridge 3.2 collection

Armen’s Music shop

Armen’s Music shop isn’t the typical music shop, I happen to be staying at a hotel right next to it. Before I was given this task I knew I had to visit it. Armen’s store doesn’t carry many traditional instruments instead it has a lot of digital and electronic instruments like synths and drum machine. walking to the store yesterday was like walking in a candy store, I had even forgotten to take pictures while I was there. His store had all the crazy equipment that a starter like me would get excited for. After seeing his place I found out online that he was a legend in the industry and had been running this shop for a while. He repairs old equipment that would be thrown away, it was like he was their lord and savior.


P.S Armen is not very nice. He doesn’t serve his customers well with the excuse that he is a very busy man. I have been walking by his shop for the last 3 weeks and notice that he just stares at the machines in there. He told me that he would only help me if I knew what I have in mind and that he can’t tell me or recommend me what to buy. For someone in the industry for many years, he doesn’t like newcomers. I, however, knew what I wanted and he still wouldn’t let me just get the drum machine unless I bought it online on his store and pick it up. He then proceeded to kick me out of his store



Decibel Sake bar



Pier by 44 st westside


This is Steven, or who he claimed to be. We started talking because of the reflective panels on the floor. We both could figure out what they were.




Kitano is a major obsession of mine, his movies typically begin with the shot of the ocean or sea. His obsession with the sea/ beach/ocean is well documented. For this homework, I decided to do the same and start with the body of water.








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