Reading + reflection 1

Reading + reflection 1

A system I encounter daily is Kerry hall, which is the new school dorm. I think that dorm is a system. Dormitory is made of buildings, rooms, administrators, gyms, laundry rooms, study rooms and so on. There is a community in the dorm and made of with different elements.

I think the inflows for the dorm will be mainly students. Many students choose to live in the school dorm instead of living outside of school. And also student brings more students too. If there is no student in the dorm, the dorm will never exist. Also students who are working at dorms as RA also will be inflows for dorms too, because the dorm community is based on students themselves.

On the other hand, the outflows for the dorm might be the feedback from who lived in the dorm. For example, after student graduate or decide to leave from the dorm, they will have feedback. People whom around them or people who want to know about the dorm probably will come to them and ask them. Therefore the feedback from students will be the outflows for the dorm community. Also the event that dorm community makes will also be another outflows. Sometimes those events are not only open for residents. So those events will bring other people information.

Like I mentioned above, students who lived in dorm will bring feedback to others. There will be lot different kinds feedbacks. For example, the condition of room of the dorm. Also the feedback of the dorm system and how the community works in the dorm.