Reading + reflection 3

Reading + reflection 3


Environmental Crisis & Design

1. Can you name a few of the environmental impacts created by the design disciplines?

I think one of the most common design disciplines that have environmental impacts is Building construction. Building construction has extensive direct and indirect impacts on the environment. Along with the development of economy around the world, more and more building construction is taking all over the place and because the improper use of the land by humans, This also will be the reason of the decline in quality of natural land resources. The field of sustainable design seeks to balance the needs of these areas by using an integrated approach to create win-win-win design solutions. Another one is fashion/ textile design. The clothes we wear and the textiles they are made from can cause a great deal of damage. For example, Wool pollution both agricultural and craft workers in the UK suffer from exposure to organophosphate sheep dip problem. Getting from fiber to cloth – bleaching, dyeing, and finishing – uses yet more energy and water, and causes yet more pollution.


2 What criteria do we currently use to measure the value of a successful product or system design?

I think the criteria we currently use to measure the value of a successful product or system design will be the effectiveness of the product/ system design. Each system design has their own purpose, however, some might not helping too much for environment. Some might be successful. I think that the effectiveness of the product/ system design will be very important in order to be a successful.


3) Who should take responsibility for the environmental impacts created by products and product systems?

For the 3rd question, I am not quite sure about exactly who  should take responsibility for the environmental Impacts created     by products and product systems. However what I think is more important to think is that how can we improve those products and product systems which has environmental impacts. I believe that those products will not be disappeared. Some People will still need those things even though they know they have environmental impacts.


2) A critique of the design of the document itself and how helps you to understand its content.

I really like the design of this document. I think everything is very clear. I like how it starts from a very clear simple introduction. If the document does not explain what is Okala and the purpose of it, I would probably be very confused. The color and design seems very match with the topic too. Also what I find interesting is that the graph and pictures in the document really helps me to understand more about the idea of this document.