A Tale of Two Meals Part 2

A Tale of Two Meals Part 2



I chose salmon as my subject for the part 2 of stale of two meals.

Thirty percent of the world’s salmon now come from hatcheries, but wild fish account for only another twenty to thirty percent. Almost all of those wild fish come from waters around Alaska  and British Columbia, northern waters where runs are mostly intact.



Typically, salmon are anadromous : they are born in fresh water , migrate to the ocean, then return to fresh water to reproduce . However, populations of several species are restricted to fresh water through their lives. Various species of salmon display anadromous life strategies while others display freshwater resident life strategies. Folklore has it that the fish return to the exact spot where they were born to spawn; tracking studies have shown this to be mostly true. A portion of a returning  salmon run may stray and spawn in different freshwater systems. The percent of straying depends on the species of salmon. Homing behavior has been shown to depend on olfactory memory .