Voluminosity  Assignment

Voluminosity Assignment

My concept of the first project is to design one piece that has Voluminosity and also very construction. The original sketch came from something looks like broken egg. My original bodice sketch looked like a Symmetric broken egg. However because I did drape on the boxes, it did not end up like my first sketch.

I designed very basic princess line top for my dress and then started to drape with all big boxes that I got from Stable store. The bodice came with a very different view than I originally design, but I really like it. I chose to use black vinyl because I believed that vinyl would be the perfect fabric to hold my dress shapes. Although I am still trying to explore what is my aesthetic, the thing I know about my designs is that I do not like to make my dress too feminine and showing too much skins. In this way I think this dress does speak my idea. The hardest parts of the voluminosity project are sewing the zippers and figure out the patterns, but I really did enjoy the process of making them. I really liked the choice of my fabric and how my bodice looks like. At first the design of my bodice did not end up look like what I thought. It looked very bad with my original centerline. So I changed the centerline to the side and it ended up looking good to me.

However, there are still many things that I would want to change. Firstly, I wish I made this piece bigger and stronger. I think my dress still has place to grow. Secondly, I would want to practice more with zippers and pockets.

For the final photo presentation, I styled my dress in my own personal preference. I really liked the final presentation, because I think the presentation shows the message that I want to show from the dress. Personally, I see this dress as a very causal voluminous dress. I would definitely wear this to not only special events but also daily life. I image girl who wear this black dress with white sneakers and feels freer and stronger. In the future, I think I want to make my own aesthetic more clear and go deep with each piece I make.

My  Original exploratory dress sketches:

origial sketch1 original sketch3

Final Project sketch

original sketch2

i decided to not add collar since the fabric made the whole piece kind heavy.

3. Process pictures:


FullSizeRender IMG_4248

This is how my old design look like and i did not like it so i changed centerline of the dress.


IMG_4521 IMG_4524


IMG_0593IMG_0590           dress

Final presentation:

IMG_0639  image1 image2        need1  need2