food assignment

food assignment

The last meal I had here is the kale salmon salad from school cafeteria.


(Facts about ingredients of Kale)

Kale is a descendent of the wild cabbage, a plant thought to have originated in Asia Minor and to have been brought to Europe around 600 B.C. by groups of Celtic wanderers. Kale from natural and they grow from the garden.

kale has deeply ruffled sturdy leaves on a stem that rarely grows taller than 24 inches. Kale is strictly a cold-weather crop, losing quality quickly in hot weather. It is, however, the hardiest of all greens, surviving temperature down to 10 degrees below zero F. Where nighttime temperatures regularly drop below freezing, some gardeners protect their plants under a thick mulch of straw. Others are content to pick kale even under a blanket of snow. Where winters are mild, kale plants will produce into the spring. Because kale is a biennial, another spurt of growth will occur in the spring before the plants finally go to seed.

Nutritionally speaking, kale has nearly as much iron and more calcium and vitamins A and C than other greens. A cup of cooked kale contains more vitamin C than an eight-ounce glass of orange juice, more calcium than a cup of milk, and more potassium than a banana. All that and only 55 calories.



(Facts about ingredients of Salmon)


Born in fresh water, migrate to the ocean, and then return to fresh water to reproduce again. The fish experiences a period of rapid growth, often in summer, and one of slower growth, normally in winter. The vast majority of Atlantic salmon available around the world is farmed (almost 99%), whereas the majority of Pacific salmon is wild-caught (greater than 80%). Therefore most likely salmon comes from a fish farm — 50 percent of the fish in the global human food chain is farmed. I found that there are several ways of making fishmeal from raw fish; the simplest is to let the fish dry in the sun. This method is still used, in some parts of the world where processing plants are not available, but the product is poor in comparison with ones made by modern methods. Cooking, pressing, drying and grinding the fish in machinery designed for the purpose make almost all fishmeal. Although the process is simplein principle, considerable skill and experience are necessary to obtain a high yield of high quality product, and to make the plant efficient.


The Last meal I had back home is homemade dumplings by my grandmother.

(Ingredients of dumplings)

– Flour

– Shortening, margarine or butter

– Baking powder

– Milk to mix everything together.


Flour that is used in baking comes mainly from wheat, although it can be milled from corn, rice, nuts, legumes, and some fruits and vegetables.


Baking powder is a dry chemical leavening agent, a mixture of a carbonate or bicarbonate and a weak acid, and is used for increasing the volume and lightening the texture of baked goods.


Milk is essential for the survival of pups, cubs and calves around the world. Young mammals can gain weight and grow on a diet of milk alone because it is rich in proteins, vitamins, calcium and saturated fats. But milk has not always been this nutritious.


I think my grandmother got milk that she used for dumplings at supermarket. The milk production chain will be this:
