Gowanus Commissary/ Food Plaza

Architectural Design Studio 3 Fall 2016

My class was tasked with designing a building/space based around a food system. The location is in Brooklyn New York next to the Gowanus Canal on Nevins street. My design is a street vendor commissary with a community roof garden and a public eating plaza.


Concrete Paper facade system

Aesthetically, the facade is meant to have the illusion that the pattern is continuous with one solid monolithic white material, although the wall is made of white concrete and white paper in some areas. e areas that have paper will let light into the interior during the day and show interior light on the exterior during the night.


-White precast concrete wall panels, with pattern casted on the the exterior facade.

-Tyvek paper folded in the pattern and held structurally by wooden rods and metal/wood brackets to hold it into its place in the concrete wall panels.

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