List of Possible Research Questions (Seminar 2: Fashion Activism Prep)

These questions serve as a launchpad to come up with ideas for the Bridge 4 research paper about fashion activism.

  1. Why is so fashion so easily and often written off as frivolous?
  2. What are societal system that work to moderate and control bodies?
  3. How do dress codes function in the way of controlling bodies within society?
  4. How do prison uniform function in the way of controlling bodies within society
  5. How do dress “norms” in the work place psychologically effect women?
  6. How do female dress “norms” in the work place psychologically effect men?
  7. What is the effect of the powersuit in the modern work place?
  8. The effect of loose vs structured clothing and how it effects women psychologically?
  9. What is the difference between the physical body and the social body?
  10. What is the difference between the physical body, the social body, and now the digital body?
  11. Why is it that the fat body in today’s society cannot exist as a present embodiment and is instead only seen as a “fat body becoming thin”?
  12. What other types of bodies in modern society are denied a present embodiment?
  13. How does the romanticization of fashion warp out sense of labor of products as a culture?
  14. How did post cards act as a form of racial exploitation and consumption during early 1900’s?
  15. What are the similarities between how labor is concealed from both fashion and tourism in order to romanticize both industries?
  16. How do race and gender constitute not only unequal human relations but our relationships to objects as well, especially through fashion?
  17. How the racialization of clothing items serves as a platform for white supremacy (hoodies, sagging pants)
  18. Why style is a vital social cue that can leverage you confidence and mood especially in prosthetics among disabled people.
  19. If plastic surgery serves as such a large and common platform for people to “remake themselves” why is there a culture of separation from innovative prosthetics?
  20. Why and how is the standard of stick thin so viciously repeated in the fashion industry and what does this say about our subconscious predispositions to taste within the industry and the audience?
  21. Have female fashion practices really evolved past harmful corsets if we intake so many chemicals on a daily basis in order to alter our appearance?
  22. How have “skin tone” colored underwear and clothing historically excluded people of color?
  23. How have “skin tone” makeup standards excluded historically excluded people of color?
  24. What is the history behind “racially inclusive” trends such as asian footwear and why is it almost mythical?
  25. Exploring the idea of women being taught not to take up space and types of clothing that push for this
  26. Exploring politicized clothing: What is the effect the “Make America Great Again” Hate has had on recent society?
  27. How does the Me Too movement wearing black in solidarity provide the opportunity for current assaulters in holly wood to hide with in the masses?
  28. What are other types of dress that allow people to hide and blend in during times of social and political conflict
  29. How does dressing like an Ally make it easier for fo activism?
  30. What were the effects of exclusion with the pussy hats from the Women’s March?
  31. What are the actual academic studies behind art and emotion
  32. What is meaningful/emotional art/fashion and what makes it this
  33. What is the psychology behind trends?
  34. What is the mapping of trends?
  35. What do trends say about our larger culture, the systems that create them, and the people that consume them?
  36. Clothing that doesn’t need a body: Who are other designers that follow in Commes de Garcons of body obscuring clothing?
  37. Who are other artists that defy their very function of their craft but in an extremely successful way?
  38.  Cultural appropriation: What is the difference between offending and profiting off of?
  39. Why did cultural appropriation go on unacknowledged for such a long time?
  40. What triggered the wave of ability to call it out?

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