Why Fashion Matters Reflection #6: Chapter 12: The Demise of the Fashion Dictator

Chapter 12: The Demise of the Fashion Dictator

This chapter is aboutĀ hierarchical scales that used to exist (andĀ I think still do) in the industry and the power and control they would have over the output of the industry. I think that fashion at it’s best is a platform for endless and authentic creativity among youth and at it’s worst it’s higher ups strictly controlling what can and can’t be in the visual fashion world with a narrow view of taste. A restriction of creativity cased who’s who and the celebrities of the fashion world is pretty boring for everyone else. Fashion is about innovation, authenticity, and change and thats why there shouldn’t be limits to it. I don’t completely agree with the passage’s take that this hierarchical control is over within the industry. I feel like that a really bold statements. Theres a lot of control and patterns that everyone falls back into and it’s very visible to the public. Anna Wintour still reigns pretty strongly and there are a lot of people that in my opinion are kind of dated and holding the industry back. Because a lot of older people that have always held power in the industry are so comfortable, they don’t really push their taste or interests far from preference and if they do it is in a desperate attempt to connect with the youth and comes off very weirdly. That’s why I think fashion dictators are counterproductive for the industry and it does seem like things are changing and that eyes follow a lot of new young innovators which makes me happy.

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