Gallery Favorites – 7/14

I was drawn to this picture not only because of its size but because of its simplicity and how pleasing it is to the eye. I think what makes this photo so successful is the perfect ring around the two people in the middle. That ring helps create a bubble around the two people making it a much more intimate picture. I think the photographer is trying to create the idea of remoteness and emptiness. I can see this because the frame of the picture is much larger than it needs to be for just two people, yet she still included those two people making it feel as though they are all alone.

This picture in the first gallery was hard to miss due to the fact that it was very large and right in front, but I also enjoyed this picture due to the fact that it looks very simple, but in reality, is much more complicated. I think what makes this photo successful is all of the geometric shapes hidden within this picture from the buildings. But, I also enjoyed the small detail of the horses looking directly at the camera; I think that was a nice touch by the photographer. What I believe this photographer is trying to get across in this image is the idea of regressiveness. I think this is an interesting concept because I think the photographer used a digital camera which almost contradicts the less advanced state that this barn seems to be in.

This picture stuck out to me because of the dog; I am always a sucker for animals, but this one impacted me a little more than normal. I, of course, noticed the dog first, holding out the hat hoping to get things from people. After I studied that for a while the man in the back caught my eye. I noticed how he didn’t seem upset that the dog was getting attention instead of him, intact, the man looked happy. I think the concept that this photographer is trying to convey is the fact that people tend to be more generous to animals rather than people, so animals are trained to do things in order to get peoples attention. This also shows a very lazy side of humans; they won’t go out and get a real job, so they put their animals to work, begging for them because they know that is how they will get the most income.