Month October 2015


For this Assignment, we had to ask a friend or a family member who is not in New York, what five things would they do if they could be in New York. From the list of five things, we had… Continue Reading →

Peer-To-Peer Reflection

How Does the encounter with “The Other” Shape our self? We live in a world of others, and this interaction eventually shapes our self. We are the product of our experiences, memories, actions, interactions with “The Other”, and through these… Continue Reading →

Inhabited Space and Materiality: The Nested Platonic Solids

  Order  Dodecahedron (SPACE) Hexahedron (EARTH) Icosahedron (WATER) Tetrahedron (FIRE) Octahedron (AIR) The Platonic Solids For this assignment, I had to create the five platonic solids using any type of materials. I decided to use plexi glass for the Dodecahedron,… Continue Reading →

  For this assignment, we were asked to create a Self Portrait inspired in Chuck Close’s Grid method.

Hybrid Avatar Sabrina & Story

  For this assignment, we were assigned a partner, mine was Story Si, and we had to create a 3-D Hybrid Avatar that would portray our distinct characteristics. We used a variety of materials including: wood, thread, wire, paper, glue,… Continue Reading →

“If you knew in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?”

10/04/2015 Last Thursday, Story and I went to Union Square, and stood in the middle of the park, with a poster that said: “If you knew in 1 year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way… Continue Reading →

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