Never Fear Absurdity

‘Beauty  Is Embarrassing’ by  Wayne White was an absolutely refreshing  documentary shown in class. After watching it, I realized that I really needed to be reminded that it is okay to not be able to conform, and that it is alright to be afraid of your own work and whether or not it will sum up to others’ and your own expectations. It is alright to embrace your faults and weaknesses. When you are in school, you have to work to be yourself. But the concept of being yourself means, being okay with your identity as the ‘nerdy art girl’, and being able to celebrate how different you are because of your relationship with your art. In an art school however, you struggle to find yourself again. This is because, since everyone is great, and much better than you at art, (something you formerly defined yourself by), you once again have to consciously stop yourself from unknowingly bowing to the pressures of conformity.

The documentary inspired to keep working, and keep churning out new material, even if it is not all attractive and visually appealing. Even if it is an idea no one can relate to. Even if I am criticized for what I make. Its okay to experiment, let go and have fun.

So in order to really integrate this spirit into my day- to-day life, I started filling my sketchbook with at least an illustration a day. Some of them are below.

Wayne White taught me to Never Fear Absurdity.

seal of approval

Mr. seal approves of Strappy Bikinis. #sealofapproval


Vitalstastix, What have you been eating?

Vitalstastix, What have you been eating?

Spray On Children:The story of how I was created.

Spray On Children:The story of how I was created.

Are we brafolding our generation?

Are we brafolding our generation?

Let's talk butts.

Let’s talk butts.

You give me verbal diarhoea.

2015-09-18 21.40.45-1

Miley Cyrus was only trying to touch her nose

The Grand Budapest Pasta Maker

The Grand Budapest Pasta Maker

My name is Blurryface and I care what you think.

My name is Blurryface and I care what you think.

There is a lot more to where that came from, in my sketchbook.

Having fun with your work is liberating.

Have a nice day!

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