Learning Portfolio #1 of 4

Learning Portfolio #1 of 4 . Reflect on this work and upload your drawings, research.



By this week, I came up with 20 drawings of social issues that I was interested in. It took me a lot of time to come up with different topics because I am always very focused in one or two topics that I am really excited to learn and solve. My favorite topics of social issues are the sustainability in Cosmetics industry and in Fashion Industry. In Cosmetics industry, there are a lot of different issues from ethics, environmental, animal welfare and regulatory issues that are still unsustainable. Also, in Fashion industry, I am very interested in making samples less wasteful and more sustainable. Then, I went into different news medias to find the current social issues like online privacy, olympic building usage, trust between relationship, responsibility and etc. I realized that I am less interested in Political issues.  During this research, I realized I am very interested in human’s empathy and education because solutions that I came up with the topics that I chose had to deal with human’s empathy and the educational system.

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